Gazing at the Horizon 


Gazing glassily at the horizon between
earth and the sky
sleeping and those awake
plodding to the gate
but the latch will neither yield nor open.

Looking for the next word and line
scrolling and waiting
for something anything
for life to happen
a paralysis from crushing aspiration.

Blinking at reflected sunlight
glittering around blinds
stabbing through eyelids
announcing the noon
yet there's no rousing from this stupor.

Glancing behind at those moments when
the energy was there
the fire burnt hot
that desire became success
which now tastes of cotton on the tongue.

Peeking down at the time
stuttering hands
ticking sprockets
have stopped-
but gone are days, weeks, months.

Glimpsing the text message, "what do you do?"
"been busy"
with "not much"
not any more
though before, it was a lot of nothing anyway.

Staring for eternity at that endless void
an emptiness of meaning
a sea of possibility
a reef of imagination
without a dock to moor the self.

Squinting at indistinct swirling colours
chaos within
birthing anew
the genesis of art
for without death of purpose is there no creation.

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